Change is sweeping ever more rapidly throughout our world; often so rapidly that we can hardly prepare for it, let alone assimilate it, before another wave sweeps over us. Like the grain of sand in the oyster that becomes the pearl, challenges that we encounter in our day-to-day lives can help us to develop in beautiful ways. At other times they can be overwhelming or traumatic, and, as such, have a profound impact on body, mind or spirit.

Rising sun
Dragon with waves
Dragon with waves
Listen to the sound of the waves within you
— Rumi

And, though many of us may carry deep wounds from our pasts, trauma is not always the result of explosive experience. Currents of trauma flow through everyday life as we are asked to face issues of identity, diversity, race and gender, or life changes determined by social, political or ecological change. While these ground shifts can be deeply unsettling or even traumatic, they can also be profoundly transformative, releasing blocked potential or creativity, collectively and personally. 

This is where our therapeutic journey begins. Working together from a deeply holistic approach, psychotherapy becomes a voyage of self-discovery, healing, and personal transformation.