There is only one journey. Going inside yourself
— Rainer Maria Rilke

Whether something is conscious or unconscious, it can impact our lives in the most real ways imaginable. Formative experience or upbringing can unconsciously inform one's choice of partner; a dream can inspire a decisive act. Even something apparently insignificant can be deeply impactful.

My core therapeutic lens is Jungian, with its focus on individuation, transformation and the authentic self. The work is firmly grounded yet also encompasses the esoteric and symbolic realms in which dreams, the unconscious, fantasies or visions can provide information to support healing, transformation or dynamic self-expression.

Altered states of consciousness exist right at the threshold to the unconscious and as such can “fast track” insight and conscious awareness, allowing for significant and sometimes rapid changes in deeply rooted patterns. My studies in this field are inspired by the desire to help my clients make meaning out of these altered states, and to transform and integrate psychedelic experience into positive and lasting changes.